

If you have any questions regarding HorrorHound Weekend, or any other events taking place during this exciting weekend - please email us at weekend@horrorhound.com and we will post your questions (with answers) right here!

What is HorrorHound Weekend?
HorrorHound Magazine presents a series of mid-west Horror Conventions in such cities as Cincinnati, Ohio, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio! Fans are able to meet some of the biggest celebrities in film and television, as well as icons from cinema's past. Celebrities meet and greet with fans, sign autographs, participate in photo-ops (prices apply in many aspects of these appearances), and often appear on-stage for a Q&A. Along with celebrity signings, fans can shop for the latest, or rarest, horror toys, t-shirts, posters, displays, VHS/DVD/Blu-rays, masks and other assorted goodies from our 100-plus amazing vendors – many times including actual film studios, filmmakers, toy companies and DVD distributors. Movie premieres and screenings are included with every show via the HorrorHound Film Festival, costume contest, as well as special events. You can also stop by and say hi to the HorrorHound Magazine staff, all while picking up the latest issue – or our convention-exclusive issues (a popular item for attendees)! After hours events include concerts, movie screenings, live stage events and parties! Our next event – HorrorHound Weekend: Indianapolis – takes place at the Indianapolis Conference Center @ the Indy Marriott East! More surprises are in store – to help make this the largest and most exciting horror event the mid-west can remember. Check back often for updates and information!
What are the hours of the convention?
Friday: 5pm till 10pm. Saturday: 11am till 7pm. Sunday: 11am till 5pm. Early access passes are available in limited supply (including with a VIP pass purchase) which grants those individuals access to the show an hour earlier on Friday (4pm) and Saturday (10am) only.
Are Autographs Free?
No. The main reason the celebrities are doing the convention (instead of actual film work or time off to spend with their family) is because of the financial return these shows deliver. There may be some celebrities attending who sign for free, but nothing is guaranteed.
How much are Autographs?
Prior to the show, HorrorHound has no way of knowing what autograph pricing will be. The value is chosen by the individual talent and/or their management. Generally pricing is set between $20 and $40, but can go higher, depending on the celebrity. If discovering exact pricing is extremely important, check out your local horror chat board or Facebook page and see if anyone has past history with specific guests.
Are autographs included with a HorrorHound Weekend admission ticket?
NO! Prices are determined by the celebrity. See above.
Are all Celebrities guaranteed to be in attendance?
NO! Celebrities are contracted to attend all three days of the show, however, due to emergencies, illness or sudden scheduling conflicts relating to filming work, celebrities are known to cancel out of conventions. The promoters try to avoid booking stars with potential conflicts, however, sometimes these events are unavoidable. We suggest frequent visits to the event Web site, forum and facebook page to keep track of who is coming, and isn't. DO NOT PURCHASE tickets for one guest as refunds will not be given due to a guest cancelation.
Am I guaranteed to meet any celebrity with a paid HorrorHound Weekend ticket?
No. Much like a theme park ticket – you are purchasing a ticket to receive access to everything HHW has to offer, including panels, photo-ops, film screenings, 100-plus vendors, parties, and 30-plus celebrities in attendance. In some cases, a celebrity could be in attendance who has a much larger demand (such as a Norman Reedus or Robert Englund) and a ticket line queue is offered – and may be known to reach capacity. We encourage fans to locate the celebrity they most wish to meet and attempt to secure their autograph first. Please: do NOT purchase HHW tickets for one guest as refunds will not be given due guest signing reaching capacity. *The only way to GUARANTEE meeting a celebrity is with a VIP pass, which generally includes a line-cut ticket to meet our higher-demand guests.*
Should I rely on the Celebrity to have items to sign?
Most guests carry a number of photographs, or in some cases posters and other odd memorabilia for sale. Do not rely on this, however, as every fan attending the convention for the sole purpose of autographs should at least bring one item from home to get signed.
Can I meet every celebrity in attendance with a Single-Day pass?
It is technically possible - but would be very difficult to meet every celebrity in attendance in a single day.
What days and times with Celebrity guests be signing?
Unless it is otherwise noted, every guest at HorrorHound Weekend will be signing all three days of the show, taking time off only for food breaks, Q&A sessions being planned during the weekend and personal time-outs. If any guest is scheduled to have a lighter schedule during the weekend, it will be posted clearly on the Web site homepage or guest page.
What is a Ticket Line Queue? (or Virtual Queue)
A ticketed line queue is enacted for guests with high-demand. This system assures attendees do not spend hours waiting in line. Is is the exact same idea of waiting in line – it's first come, first serve – but you do not have to waste your day waiting in said-line.
How does a Ticket Line Queue work?
When the show doors open, you make your way to the celebrity's booth (in question). Once there, you will receive a numbered ticket dictating a TIME in which to return to stand in the line-proper. This assures the smallest possible wait. Only a specific number of tickets will be distributed each day. These tickets will be available to HorrorHound Weekend attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis in order to reflect individual line placement.
I received a Queue Line Ticket. Does this guarantee me an autograph?
Not always. The ticket holder is only guaranteed a spot in line on the DAY the ticket is received. While HHW only distributes a pre-determined number of tickets based on how many autographs said-celebrity CAN sign, the possibility of not making it to the end of the queue line is always possible. In the case that the queue is not fully executed, those unused tickets will be granted access the following day. If the line queue IS fully executed and you missed it, your ticket is invalid for the following day. If a celebrity completes the queue during show hours, with remaining time available, additional queue tickets will be distributed.
Do I have to pay for my autograph when I pick up my Queue Line Ticket?
No. The queue line ticket is solely used for line placement/entry into the guest signing area. All autographs by guest are associated with an autograph price – which is set by the guest’s management and will be paid just prior to meeting the guest, not at the time you receive the virtual-queue line ticket.
Can I acquire a Queue Line Ticket prior to receiving my event wristband,
or have a friend pick up a Queue Line Ticket for me?
No. You MUST have your HorrorHound Weekend badge/wristband in order to acquire a virtual-queue line ticket. You must go through registration before a queue line ticket can be issued to you. Your Ticketleap ticket printout will not be accepted; you must first check in at registration and exchange your Ticketleap ticket printout for a HorrorHound Weekend badge/wristband. Only one queue ticket will be given to each attendee in line at a first come, first serve basis.
I am a VIP ticket holder. Do I need a Queue Ticket?
It depends. Upon registration check-in, VIP ticket holders will receive a line-cut pass which will grant them ONE line-cut access to specific guests throughout the three-day event. If the VIP ticket-holder wishes to use the linecut on a queue-line guest, they DO NOT need a queue ticket. If they are utilizing their linecut on any other guest – then a queue line ticket will be necessary for any remaining queue-necessary guests.
Are Photographs with the celebrity allowed?
Unless the celebrity says otherwise, photographs of the celebrities (and in cases, you with the celebrity) are perfectly acceptible. We do ask that you treat the talent with respect in this regard. Note that no video-recording is allowed during the convention without the express written concent of the HorrorHound Weekend promoters and the talent involved. HorrorHound offers professional photo-ops in addition to this rule, which allows attendees to purchase high quality professional photos/prints with each celebrity.
Does an autograph come with a professional photo-op?
No! You are purchasing a professional photo-op only. This includes a glossy 8x10 of you with said-celebrity in front of a professional op backdrop with proper lighting! *Digital-downloads available at extra cost in some cases.*
Do I need to purchase a HorrorHound Weekend ticket to also purchase a photo-op?
Yes. You cannot participate in the professional photo ops without a ticket to get into the building.
I want to wait until the weekend of the show to buy tickets, is that ok?
VIP tickets and early-access passes always sell out during pre-sell. Saturday (single day) tickets are known to sell out during pre-sale. In extreme cases, we have seen Weekend Passes sell out during pre-sale. We always encourage fans to pre-order your tickets to assure access to the event. We will have staff ready at the front door handling ticket sales, but keep in mind: Discounted ticket prices are only available online for a limited time. The price WILL increase the day of the event. Also, with pre-sales doing so well, ticket prices may adjust even more just prior to the show or at the door. Do not expect the online price to reflect prices at the door. If you KNOW you are coming, or are traveling to attend, we suggest you pre-order.
Are there really going to be THAT many fans attending HorrorHound Weekend?
As with any plan, everything is tentative, but the average turnout for a HorrorHound Weekend event is generally high, so plan accordingly. Expect lines, crowds and we suggest picking up early-admission tickets if you wish to get some important matters done before the larger crowds enter the show. If ticket sales are so strong, we risk overloading our event against fire hazard laws, we will shut down ticket sales - just another reason to consider pre-purchasing. HorrorHound Weekend tickets have sold-out on a couple occassions. So we always urge fans who plan on attending to pre-order their tickets to assure admission.
I have a small child, do I have to buy him/her a ticket?
NO! All children 12 and under are allowed entry into HorrorHound Weekend for free. Just make sure that they are well watched and aren't afraid of the boogey man! However – after hour events that require additional tickets (such as a water park party or concert) do require a ticket and the "under 12" rule does not apply in these cases. Children 16 and under need to be accompanied by an adult in any events (such as after hour parties, Q&As and Films).
Can I bring my dog or pet into HorrorHound Weekend?
Animals are not allowed, except for medical reasons such as seeing-eye dogs.
What is the earliest I can pick up my HorrorHound Weekend pass?
We attempt to have our registration booth set-up at the event between the hours of 12pm and 1pm (Friday). And at least one hour prior to early-access opening on Saturday and one hour prior to doors opening on Sunday.
I haven't received my HorrorHound Weekend pass in the mail. What should I do?
HorrorHound Weekend passes are not mailed. When you order your ticket online, you should receive your ticket in an email. All you have to do is print out the ticket and bring it to the show. We will scan the barcode on the ticket and you will receive a wristband for entry. Please note: Once your ticket has been scanned - it CANNOT be scanned a second time. Do not share your pass with anyone.
I never received my ticket via email – or I lost it. What should I do?
Email weekend@horrorhound.com and request your ticket be re-emailed.
I don't have a printer to print out my ticket. What should I do?
If you can't get your ticket printed (either due to not having a printer, or having access to one via one of your friends, work, or the public library), you can bring your cell phone or mobile device to the event and show us your ticket via this method. We can scan your ticket barcode right off your phone of tablet. No problem!
I suddenly can't attend HorrorHound Weekend. Can I get a refund on my tickets?
No refunds are granted unless for extraordinary reasons, or if the event is canceled. It is common for fans to resell their tickets online (much like a concert or sporting event ticket). You can also use your unused ticket at a future HHW event (as long as the ticket barcode is never scanned).
Is HorrorHound Weekend Family-Friendly?
We attempt to provide a family-friendly environment, however, we do ask that parents bringing their children to HorrorHound Weekend maintain reason when considering the setting. Fans may be dressed in horrific costumes (such as devil, demon, serial killer, etc), or scantly-clad outfits. Many of the booths within HHW feature products based on the millions of horror films and iconic imagrey from the history of horror cinema. Foul language may be present during our Q&As, and the HHW film fest often features R-Rated films that include language, violence, drug-use and possibly even nudity. Children under the age of 15 should be accompanied by an adult at all times. If offensive materials witnessed at the show are deemed unreasonable, we ask that these materials be brought to the attention of a HHW STAFF member (please advise the difference between STAFF and Volunteer), where we will look into the offensive materials use at the event.
I am a Cosplayer. Am I allowed to bring weapons to the show?
NO! Weapons are not permitted on showroom grounds. Cosplayers whose costumes include weapons such as a machete or sword may have these items inspected to assure the bladed weapons are not a threat (ie: sharp or dangerous). Barbed wire is not allowed. Crossbows and/or guns must be fake or disabled from working, and again, available for inspection. Yellow/red-tippedplastic-guns are encouraged to assure safety for our many attendees.
Are Hotel rooms still available?
HorrorHound Weekend events are known for selling out the event hotel as well as neighboring hotels months in advance of the show. It is always suggested to book your room early. Click on the hotel section of the convention Web site for assistance in booking your room.
Is drinking allowed in the Convention?
Yes. Drinking is allowed in the convention, but we ask that attendees do not bring open containers near vendors or celebrity booths. When the event comes to a close, fans generally circulate to the host-hotel bar or concert/events which generally feature a full bar which most vendors and celebrities may attend. It will be a good time. The hotel features a restaurant and bar inside of the lobby and a number of local eateries which you can stop at. Please note: Hote bars and restaurants have strict policied prohibiting food/drinks to be brought into said-designated areas. Do not bring your own drinks/food into the hotel bar/restaurants.
Do I have to pay for admission into the Film and Q&As?
No. We will feature a film festival inside of the hotel showcasing some of the hottest new independent horror films, as well as a special room for celebrity panels. Most of these events are free (included with the price of admission). In rare cases, an additional fee MAY be attached to a screening - but will be announced and promoted WAY in advance. As for regular events - seating is limited, so be kind and properly situate yourself in the room, be quiet and no cell phone conversations. Security will be on hand in the room at all times to ensure everyone enjoys their chance at seeing these advance screenings!
Will there be a special Water Park party during the event? (Cincinnati ONLY)
Unfortunately, due to issues with the water park, we are unwilling to offer future events at the nearby water park.
How can I attend any after-hour event or Concerts?
At most HorrorHound Weekend conventions we host special concerts, parties or other additional activities after hours. You can obtain guaranteed access by purchasing a VIP PASS which grants you a VIP ticket for all HHW events. For all concerts/after-hour events VIP ticket holder are guaranteed admission. After hour events are also free to Weekend ticket holders (first come/first serve, until capacity is met). If you have interest in attending these events, please purchase a weekend pass. You can upgrade your ticket at the show itself (just visit the registration booth during show hours) Tickets to after hour events will NOT be sold at the door of after hour events, so be sure to secure your weekend pass prior to the parties/concerts.
I purchased a Weekend Pass – is my access to after hour parties guaranteed?
Not always. As stated – VIP is the only way to guarantee access to after hour events. For weekend pass holders, it is free – however, it is first come/first serve, until capacity is met. If you are attending HorrorHound Weekend solely for the after-hour events, and are unable to enter said-after hour event due to capacity issues, refunds will not be granted. *In 23 conventions, we have only reached capacity at an after-hour event three times.*
Can I order an event shirt if I do not attend HorrorHound Weekend?
No. You can pick-up your event shirt the day-of the event ONLY. VIP pass holders can pick up their shirt at the event as well. Any remaining stock may be sold at the next HHW event, however, most of our event tees do sell out the weekend of the show. We ate planning on selling past event tees online in future limited sales – keep an eye on www.horrorhound.com for merch updates.
Will I be able to buy the new issue of HorrorHound Magazine at HHW?
Definitely. Our staff will be on hand with the latest issue, rare back issues and a number of HorrorHound related merchandise. On top of this, a special limited edition issue of HorrorHound is produced for every convention.
How can I request a Celebrity to attend HorrorHound Weekend in the future?
We are always excited to see what guests YOU want to see. Just email your requests to weekend@horrorhound.com. Please note – sometimes guests are unavailable due to schedule conflicts, maybe the do not attend shows, or for contractual reasons, we are unable to secure them. While we appreciate reading your requests, please keep them reasonable and at a limited volume.